About Trauma Therapy And How It Helps

When someone has gone through a trauma, it's common for them to experience a wide range of emotions. It's also common for them to struggle with those emotions. While each person can handle trauma differently, there will often be many things that can be similar. For example, many people who have endured a trauma will exhibit signs of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). PTSD can cause someone to deal with a lot of symptoms, ranging from nightmares to panic attacks. The symptoms of PTSD can be temporary or permanent. It's a good idea for someone who has gone through a traumatic event to go through trauma therapy. Here is more on this: 

About trauma therapy

Trauma therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping someone deal with the vast emotional responses they may be having after a traumatic event. When someone goes to trauma therapy after a traumatic event, they can learn what they may expect to happen to them afterward. They can have things happen emotionally, as well as physically, shortly after the event. They can also learn coping mechanisms they can implement to get through those things in a healthier manner. Going through a traumatic experience can affect someone psychologically, physically, socially, professionally, and financially. This is why trauma therapy is something that you should consider if you find yourself in this type of situation. 

Examples of trauma

There are many types of trauma that someone can experience. Some examples include being involved in an accident, being the victim of a physical or sexual assault, being in a fire, going to war, experiencing domestic violence, being bullied, facing a serious illness, witnessing someone else being injured or passing away, and more. 

Different types of trauma therapy

Since people cope with trauma in different ways and since the traumas can come in many types, there are different types of trauma therapy that are available. Some different types of trauma therapy can include: 

  • Cognitive processing therapy - The person learns to change their perception of the trauma
  • Exposure therapy - The person is repeatedly exposed to what they fear
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing - Eye movements release emotions
  • Trauma behavior therapy - Unhealthy behavioral patterns are addressed


If you have recently found yourself going through a traumatic experience, then you should consider trauma therapy—such as Allay Psychology. This way, you can start working toward healing and learning how to manage your emotions.
